“The prevalence of cancer and auto-immune related diseases in our pets is directly correlated to the processed foods we are feeding them. We are literally starving them to death of nutrients while stuffing them to the point of obesity with garbage.” Dr. Denise Miller, DVM and author of What’s Wrong With our Pets?

The British Journal of Small Animal Practice published a paper contending that processed pet food suppresses the immune system and leads to liver, kidney, heart and other diseases. Other causes: vaccinations, toxins, stress, infection, high blood pressure, kidney trauma & stones. This research, initially conducted by Dr. Tom Lonsdale, was researched further by the Australian Veterinary Association and proven to be correct.” From the British Journal of Small Animal Practice. In my opinion the biggest danger facing our cats, nowadays, is renal failure. In the past, cats lived to a ripe old age and died of a heart failure at 15 – 18 years. Now, cats are lucky if they make it until 10 years old. Bladder disorders are also very common in dogs.

Those looking for a more scientific explanation as to renal failure in cats and dogs, with respect to feeding kibble diets, can refer to this: Acidification of the diet can destroy acid-sensitive micronutrients like vitamin K, biotin and B-12. Acidification has been done for several years by pet food manufacturers to help control struvite crystal formation in the urine that becomes too alkaline when dogs and cats are fed high cereal diets. This can lead to the development of calculi/stones in the urinary tract that cause painful and even fatal urinary blockage. Such artificial alteration of the acidity/alkalinity of the animals’ food can cause metabolic acidosis and kidney failure. These are common emergencies, along with urinary retention, in veterinary practice. Acidification of pet foods also resulted in an increased incidence of calcium oxalate uroliths/stones.


Anaemia, dehydration, lethargy, depression, an increase in urination/trouble urinating, loss of appetite or vomiting.
We need to look at diets that are less acidic. That means that processed kibble food should be eliminated from the diet and rather feed wholesome home-prepared diets that consist of lots of green veggies with a reasonable amount of meat.
One should refrain from administering all flea poisons as this certainly is acidic and poisonous and will aggravate the organs and tissue.


Traditionally, vets have recommended restricting protein consumption because protein is high in phosphorus, which creates a high nitrogen load that can further stress the liver and kidneys.

But if your dog suffers from kidney disease, one of the most important things you can do for him is to get him off kibble and on to fresh foods.

Homeopathic vet Dr Don Hamilton offers the following:
“It is commonly thought that when there is any evidence of kidney disease, the protein level should be reduced. This is not correct for most animals. Protein reduction has little impact upon the progression of kidney disease. In fact, reducing the protein level in the diet may reduce the effectiveness of the kidneys. This is because the amount of blood filtered through the kidneys (the glomular filtration rate) is tied to protein in the diet, and reducing the protein reduces the filtering thus decreasing the excretion of toxins. (In rats, extra protein induces excessive glomular filtration, and restricting dietary protein prevents progression of renal failure. Though this has not been shown to occur in dogs or cats, this data is used to support protein restriction in these animals. I believe this is not correct, as dogs and cats are carnivores, whereas rats are primarily herbivores; this difference would account for different protein needs).”

Supplement with omega 3 fish oils and probiotics. Apple cider vinegar is great inclusion and will assist with digestion and balance the pH.

Holistic vet Dr Jodie Gruenstern notes “You can do things to bind to phosphorus so it goes out in the poop and doesn’t build up in the blood. Feeding kidney patients a balanced raw diet with the appropriate calcium to phosphorus ratio will bind the phosphorus. We can also help that along by adding dark leafy green veggies, which can help remove excess phosphorus in the intestinal tract of dogs and this will keep the BUN levels down. So when you start to see your kidney patient act sick and not want to eat, adding dark, leafy greens to the diet, along with prebiotics and probiotics, will help remove any excess phosphorus through fecal waste, rather than through the bloodstream.”