If your dog suddenly appears in the kitchen every time you open up the peanut butter jar, you are not alone. Peanut butter can be awesome for dogs, and most of them will do anything to have the nutty treat.

Many dog owners give peanut butter to their dogs by spreading it inside hollow bones and toys to serve as a long-lasting treat. Some use it to hide pills, give it as a quick reward for obedience, or even as a distraction when trimming their dog’s nails or giving them a bath.

But as a dog owner that truly cares about their furry friends, you should always look at the health impacts of anything you give your dogs. Unfortunately, not all peanut butter is safe.

So, how do you know which peanut butter is good for your dog and how much is okay? We have provided you with information about everything you should know about peanut butter and dogs in this post. So read on!

Is Peanut Butter Good For Dogs?

Most peanut butter is okay for dogs to consume. When taken in moderation, it can be an excellent source of healthy fats, protein, fiber, vitamin B, niacin, manganese, magnesium, and vitamin E.

However, all peanut butter is not created the same. Some commercial brands contain various added ingredients, such as sugar, vegetable oils, additives, and even trans fats, which may not be good for your four-legged friend.

The healthiest option is 100% natural peanut butter. This type is usually unsalted and doesn’t contain any extra sugar or additives.

Why Dogs Like Peanut Butter

You definitely must have noticed this, too – most dogs can go nuts for peanut butter. They all like it. Why? The answer lies in its meaty smell and impeccable nutty taste. These get them immediately attracted any time they see peanut butter.

According to Dr. Christy Michael, a vegetarian at DoveLewis Emergency Animal Hospital, dogs are naturally drawn to foods rich in sodium and fats because these are not common things they would encounter in their wild diet.

So, What Kind of Peanut Butter Is Good for Your Dog?

Well, there are different kinds of peanut butter you can give to your dog without the fear of it coming down with any adverse health effects. Some of these peanut butter include:

  • Commercial peanut butter: This is the most common type of peanut butter, and they are the regular ones you find in most grocery stores. Some of them contain added sugar and additives.
  • Homemade peanut butter: This type is made at home and involves just grinding peanut butter. But they are extremely good for dogs.
  • Natural peanut butter: these peanut butter are usually the healthiest option for dogs because, unlike regular commercial peanut butter, they don’t contain any additives, preservatives, salt, sugar, corn syrup, Xylitol, or any other forms of junk.

So, which one is the best for your dog?

Well, the best option is unsalted homemade peanut butter. But unfortunately, not everyone has the time to spare for making peanut butter at home by themselves. That is why natural peanut butter makes a great choice for all dog owners looking to help their dogs have a taste of peanut butter.

Natural peanut butter is usually safer for dogs because it doesn’t contain any extras – just peanuts. Later in this post, we are going to talk about The Vondis peanut butter. It is 100% natural peanut butter your dog can always enjoy without fear.

Xylitol; When Peanut Butter Is Dangerous for Dogs

Most peanut butter is safe for dogs, but the only thing you need to watch out for is Xylitol. If peanut butter contains Xylitol, you don’t want to give it to your dog because it can be very dangerous to the dog.

Xylitol is a sugar subtitle usually found in sugar-free products like toothpaste, chewing gum, chewable vitamins, breath mints, and some baked products. While Xylitol can be safe for humans, it is extremely poisonous to dogs, and unfortunately, thousands of dogs are being poisoned every year by Xylitol.

When a dog consumes a product that contains Xylitol, it immediately stimulates the pancreas to release insulin. This sudden surge of insulin into the dog’s bloodstream can cause a condition known as hypoglycemia. This is a significant drop in blood sugar levels which can result in weakness, tremors, disorientation, and seizures. All these can happen in just a space of 1o to 60 minutes after eating Xylitol.

What Brands of Peanut Butter Have Xylitol?

To keep xylitol-containing peanut butter away from your dogs, you need to be able to rightly identify which products contain this sugar alternative. Next time you are out shopping for peanut butter for your dog, you will want to avoid the following peanut brands:

  • Krush Nutrition
  • Go Nuts
  • P28
  • Hank’s Protein Plus Peanut Butter
  • Nuts ‘n More
  • No Cow (previously referred to as D’s Naturals)

These are just a few of the common peanut brands that have Xylitol in their products. There are many more out there. So before you settle for any peanut brand for your dog, ensure you carefully read the label.

Watch out for letters like “xyl.” They are an acronym for Xylitol. That way, even when you see the letters on other foods you are looking to give your dogs, you will know it is a no-go area for you.

How Much Peanut Butter Is Okay for Dogs?

Although peanut butter is rich in natural protein and fats, consuming too much of it may not be good for your dog. It can increase your dog’s risk of suffering from different health complications, including obesity, pancreatitis, gastrointestinal distress, and some more related problems. So, how do you know how much peanut butter is okay?

There are a few things you can do to determine this. First, you can speak to your veterinarian and ask for their opinion about this. This is especially important if your dog is suffering from certain conditions like diabetes, allergy, or food sensitivity issues.

The second option is to use the 10% rule. The rule says treats should not be more than 10% of your dog’s diet. So measure how much food you give your dog daily to know how many treats you can include in your diet’s diet. And don’t forget that peanut butter alone cannot make up your dog’s treat. You should alternate between it and some healthy treats.

You can also consider feeding your dog peanut butter about 2 to 3 times a week.

Can Dogs Eat Human Peanut Butter?

Well, some regular or “human” peanut butter is okay for dogs. They are safe and won’t cause any health issues. However, some of them contain ingredients that make them not suitable for dogs. So before you think of giving that peanut butter in your pantry to Fido, read the label and know what types of ingredients are packed into it. Watch out for Xylitol, some preservatives, and extra sugar.

Can My Dog Be Allergic to Peanut Butter?

Although dogs are rarely allergic to peanut butter, it still happens. If your dog is allergic to peanuts or one or more ingredients in the peanut butter, it can cause trouble for your dog. Skin reactions, vomiting, facial swelling, anaphylactic shock, rashes, difficulty breathing, etc. are common allergies to watch out for.

If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog after eating peanut butter, you should call your veterinarian immediately.

Vondis 100% Natural Peanut Butter for Dogs

Vonids has consistently been committed to helping dog owners get the best natural foods for their dogs. And the new Vondis natural peanut butter is another amazing addition to the list of natural foods and treats that the company offers.

The 100% natural peanut butter helps fulfill the wish of helping your dog enjoy the best that nature has to offer in its purest and simplest form. The smooth, organic peanut butter is freshly prepared after you place an order.

It doesn’t contain any preservatives or additives that could pose any threat to your dogs – just salt and some freshly grounded peanuts. If you are a fan of peanut butter and want your dog to also have a feel of this heaven on earth treat without putting its health on the line, this 100% natural peanut butter is your best bet!

Take Away

There is no problem with dogs eating peanut butter, just that you need to make sure they are fed the right type of peanut butter. Not all peanut butter is safe for dogs. Some of them are loaded with extra sugars, additives, and Xylitol which could all trigger health problems in dogs.

So check the label to be sure your peanut butter doesn’t contain Xylitol and also make sure you give your dog in moderation. If your dog is diabetic or has food sensitivity issues, you might want to first speak with your Vet before giving your dog peanut butter. The health of your furry friend is your responsibility, so do everything you can to make sure they are safe and healthy.
