Vondi’s Collagen with MSM & Glucosamine 200g
Collagen with MSM is a big talking point in medical health, as it claims substantial efficacy in treating various medical conditions.
The sudden interest is not without merit, as new studies continue to support the health claims of collagen with MSM. But just what is MSM, and what is its relationship with collagen?
Collagen and keratin are two of the most important building blocks in biology. They are critical for healthy tissue, but neither is easy to supplement. That is where MSM comes into play.
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Vondi’s pet Collagen MSM 200g Tub
VONDIs collagen and MSM for dogs is a super-nutrient additive that can play a huge role in healthy tissue growth and also several other health and nutrition concerns. But what exactly is collagen?
Collagen plays a huge role in our bodies, as it does for our pets as well. It is the protein that gives tissue structure and rigidity. The body uses collagen to create most of its tissue.
A large part of physical ageing links back to collagen degradation. But fortunately, VONDIs collagen can help.
With serious conditions like hip dysplasia a constant concern for most fur parents, VONDIs collagen and MSM additive offer extra peace of mind. You know that your pup has everything they need for healthy bones and joints.
VONDIs collagen and MSM additives effectively treat inflammation and associated pain. And inflammation is far more damaging than most pet owners know, with it playing a role in most instances of canine cancer.
Inflammation also plays a role in canine diabetes mellitus. And again, our VONDIs collagen and MSM additive can play an active role in safeguarding your pets from higher risk factors.
Humans have used collagen to boost healthy hair growth for decades, and our pets also stand to enjoy the same benefits.
VONDIs collagen and MSM additives help your fur friend maintain a healthy, vibrant coat. Furthermore, VONDIs collagen and MSM additives also help keep your pet’s skin hydrated.
Many health-related products are difficult to maintain because they require time for preparation. However, a simple scoop of VONDIs collagen additive in your pet’s water dish gets them their dose of our collagen and MSM.
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